Saturday, December 24, 2011

A New York merchant who is very wealthy is afflicted with blindness, caused by the atrophy of the optic nerve. He so greatly desires to recover his sight that he has offered a reward of a million dollars to anyone that will restore him the use of his eyes. A very poor young man, who is afflicted in the same way, has been hired by this wealthy merchant to permit the experiments which are suggested to him to be tried on his eyes. He stands in the rich man's place with the added interest that if the experiments are successful, he will recover his own sight, as well as lead to the recovery of his employer. But suppose it were turned around, and the rich man were to give up his wealth, and his own sight, and his life even, to stand in the place of this poor man, and bring recovery and comfort to him, how infinitely more striking and interesting it would be! But Christ did more than that for us. He had the glory of heaven, and riches beyond our dreams; and yet He became poor and lonely and outcast, and suffered and died upon the cross in our stead; went down into the grace for us; but, blessed be God--He broke the bands of death asunder, and stands glorified in heaven, the pledge that all who sleep in Jesus shall have similar victory!

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...Edgar Allan Poe

They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

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