Friday, December 23, 2011

But in aiming for the best we forget that our best is not good enough and the success we crave is ugly if we arrive at it with half of our being eroded

We need to give ourselves a chance... some benefit of the grow.... make mistakes.. Learn.... forgive ourselves for being human... take our life a step at a time... this is the secret on arriving safe and whole.

The secret Of Greatness is Love. As simple and profound as this may sound this is the greatest truth in have discovered in my Journey so far. The greatest Leaders in world history are those that believed in the greatness of humanity and went ahead to sacrifice to bring out this greatness. The power of love is sacrifice, the opposite of love is selfishness, the enemy of Love is Fear and the establishing factor in Love is commitment.

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...Edgar Allan Poe

They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

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