Friday, January 4, 2008

God's Glory

Creation reveals our creators glory. In nature we learn that God is powerful. That he enjoys variety, loves beauty, is organised and is wise and creative. God’s inherent glory is what he possesses because he is God. It is his nature. But we are commanded to recognise his glory, honour his glory and live for his glory because he deserves it. We owe him every glory we could possibly give. Since God made all things, he deserves all the glory. Jesus told the Father “I brought you glory on earth by doing everything you told me to do.” Jesus honoured the Father by fulfilling his purposes here on earth. When everything or anything in creation fulfils its purpose, it brings glory to God. Birds bring glory to God by flying, nesting and doing other birdlike activities that God intended. We bring glory to God by worshiping him. “in commanding us to worship, God is inviting us to enjoy him” – C.S. Lewis God wants our worship to be motivated by love, thanksgiving and delight not duty. God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in him. There is something exceedingly improving to the mind in a contemplation of Divinity. It is a subject so vast that all our thoughts are lost in its immensity; so deep that our pride is drowned in its infinity… when we come to this maser-science, finding that our plumbline cannot sound its depths and our eagle eye cannot see its heights, we turn away with the thought, “I am but of yesterday, and know nothing.” No subject of contemplation will tend to humble the mind than the thoughts of God. - Charles Spurgeon. Tags: worship Posted by fyne boi at 14:07 | Permanent Link | Comments (0) | Jesus 2 The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a disciple of his. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I am finished with low living, sight-walking, smooth knees, colourless dreams, tamed vision, worldly talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence, position, promotion and plaudits or popularity. I don’t have to be right, tops, first, praised, regarded or rewarded. Now I live by faith, depend on his presence, walk by patience, am uplifted by prayer and labour with power. That is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Send that e-mail, make that phone call, write that cheque. David had a string, Rahab had a string, Dorcas had a needle. All were used by God. What do you have? John Wesley said: “do all the good you can by all the means you can in all the ways you can in all the places you can at all the places you can, as long as you ever can. With God small deeds count. Wherever we turn in the church of God , there is Jesus. He is the beginning, middle and end of everything to us… there is nothing good, nothing holy, nothing beautiful, nothing joyous which he is not to his servants. No one need be poor, because if he chooses, he can have Jesus for his own property and possession. No one need be downcast for Jesus is the joy of heaven and it is his joy to enter into sorrowful hearts. A.W. Tozer Posted by fyne boi at 14:04 | Permanent Link | Comments (0) | << previous posts home next posts>>

An ode to me

ME There is a lot to tell you folks out there about this guy called Me, well I’ll do my best. Why not let Me talk about himself cos he knows more than myself… ladies and gentlemen please welcome the handsome and sexy ME (applause). ME: Thank you fans. Today God is watching over me and his lamp is shinning upon my head. By His light I walk through darkness. I am always in my prime… Where God’s intimate friendship blesses house and the Almighty is with me. My children are around me and my path is drenched with cream. The rock pours out for me streams of olive oil. When I walk to the gates of the city and take my seat in the public square, the young me see me and step aside, the old men rise to their feet, the chief men refrain from speaking and cover their mouths with their hands. Whoever hears me speaks well of me, because I rescue the poor who cry out for help and the fatherless who have no assistance. The men who are dying bless me and I will make more widow’s hearts sing. I put on righteousness as my clothing. Justice is my belt and tie. I am an eye to the blind and feet to the lame and a father to the needy. I will take up the case of that stranger and break the fangs of the wicked to snatch the victim from their teeth. I shall not die , for I have eternal life. My days are as numerous as the sand of the seashore. My roots reach to the water and the dew is all night on my branches. My glory will remain fresh in me, the bow ever new in my hand. Men listen to me expectantly, waiting in silence for my counsel. After I have spoken, they speak no more for my words fall gently on their ears. They wait gently for me as for showers and drink in my words as the spring rain. And when I smile at them, they scarcely believe it. The light of my face is precious to them. I choose the way for them and sit as their chief. And I am dwelling in the land as a kink among his troops. I am one who comforts the mourners.


SINGLE? GOOD You wanna know why this topic is of utmost concern to me? I’ll tell you. It is because some people just cant keep their wiggles in their pants, or boxers, as the case may be. It is because ladies can’t help but get someone to scratch that itch between thighs. You think condoms are safe so you have a licence to poke. To some HIV/AIDS is a tale from Atlantis, while to some it is a Nightmare-come-true. To some people they are so incomplete on their own – highly electronegative. They do not occur as a single element in their natural form. News Flash… you are highly dysfunctional. You are in dire need of help. Young people, listen up. When I say young people, I mean people who have dreams for their lives, their careers, their marriage. I mean those who have a Vision for their community and their world at large. I mean those who, no matter how far they’ve gone in the wrong direction, are not ashamed to turn around and make a fresh start in the right direction. I say this to the bewilderment of some folks, it is fun to be single. I want to state it categorically that before you are married you have to be a self-existing single. Unfortunately a lot of people are never single. So many are tied up from childhood. So many jump from one relationship to the other. Never having to stop and ask, “wait a minute, who am I and what do I want, wait, just before that, what do I need.” These questions cannot be answered in a crowd setting, otherwise you will end up defining yourself based on other people’s ideals and beliefs. This is where many destinies are aborted. Before I go on any further, let me define what I mean by being single. By the term SINGLE I mean a state of completeness, clarity of purpose, emotional self-support and stability, single- minded approach to life and a predefined world-view. So you can go ahead and judge yourself and see if you were ever really single. It could be a cause of your present marital squabbles or the emotional squalor in which you are now living in. At least thank God you now know. So I state it again, it is really fun to be single. Now so many of you will believe me. You are more complete as a bachelor than when you go pissing around in those that steal your strength and those that destroy kings. Sisters are you with me? If any guy asks you to sleep with him as a proof that you love him, please, I beg you, kick him on the balls. Yeah … exactly what I meant, thank you. Tell him that love is patient … and that it hurts sometimes too! You deserve a complete man who will love the complete you. A man that is not insecure. It is only insecure people that will want proofs. Your time and your attention are enough proof. Love yourself and know that you’re a kingmaker and for the love of God know too that you are a king-breaker (don’t even think about it). For my young Buddies out there tell your self you deserve the best –but that of course is if you are- and that you do not need a liability. And please accept help when sisters offer it. Only insecure men want to prove that they are more capable than they really are. We men, we seem to love to dominate, so we always go for the insecure ladies who will not stand up to us and thereby threaten our apparent security. But in the end it backfires and leaves us with hurtful relationships. Where there is more giving than receiving as a result of one playing VOLTRON…. The Defender Of The Universe. The picture you paint and the song you sing – here I come to save the day – makes her start demanding more than you could really give. I better stop here before I get too much attention for myself…like 2face or 2pac… any one of them For counselling contact me with the following no 2348077068839 or send me a mail you can also drop your comments on this sight. Posted by fyne boi at 15:14 | Permanent Link | Comments (0) |

...Edgar Allan Poe

They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

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